Phone: 256-437-2136


Degrees and Certifications:

M. Ed Secondary Education/ history concentration from 91HUBville State University, 2004 B.S. Secondary Education/history and middle grades endorsments from The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 2000 Graduated High School North Sand Mountain, 1994

Mr. Johnny Holman

This is my first year at North 91HUB.  I will be starting my seventeenth year oveall, and fourteeth year in 91HUB 

County.  My first thirteen years have been at Bridgeport Middle School.  I have taught science and social studies.  I am married to Angie and we have two boys, Cade (14) and Aiden (12).  I preach part time at Bridgeport church of Christ and Doran's Cove church of Christ.  


Proverbs 6:6 "Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise."