• Customer Project Application Process

    Kia         S-10          Bronco II    

    Live Customer Work Projects are an essential part of the Collision student's education.  Customers in need of vehicle repair or refinishing may apply to have their vehicle repaired at our shop.  If your project has the potential to benefit the students and is approved by both the instructor and the school director, it will be accepted as a Live Work Project.

    IMPORTANT Information to consider:

    • The estimated cost of repair includes material price plus 30%, which directly funds our shop.

    • STUDENTS DO THE WORK under close supervision from the instructor, with the instructor providing help whenever needed.

    • The school shop is NOT a full production shop with 40 to 50 hour work weeks. The average student gets 5 to 8 hours of hands-on work time per week, so if your vehicle repair is urgent, the Collision Shop is not a good option for you.

    To apply, contact the instructor with the following information:

    • Name and phone number
    • Vehicle make and model
    • Description of work to be done
    • Pictures of the vehicle and damage areas 



    Perry Wilks  wilksp@jackson.k12.al.us

    EPCOT Main Office  (256) 574-6079