• Mrs. Culpepper As media specialist, I am here to assist your child in any way I can.  If there is a particular book you are looking for, I will be glad to assist.  We have an Online Library Catalog which the students can search independently. We may not have a book for every subject requested, but whenever possible, I will be glad to order necessary items when funds become available.

    The library is the hub for the Accelerated Reader program.  Bi-weekly reports are run to determine students who have earned prizes. When students earn 100 points, their names are put on the Wall of Fame.  Each nine weeks, grades 1-4 earn the right to shop at our A.R. store.    Students who have earned 100 points get to decorate a ceiling tile.  

    The state  currently provides funds in the amount of  $919.82 to keep the library book collection up to date. Fund raisers for the library include two bookfairs per year. The library also earns money and supplies from magazine booklets, Boxtops for Education    The money is put directly back into the library for purchase of books and anything needed for the general enhancement of the library program.

    There are 12 computer stations available for student research.  Each computer has high-speed internet access and access to all programs such as the library catalog, Accelerated Reader and STAR reading. 

    Selection of Services Offered:

    Personal Reading Guidance
    Automated Catalog and Circulation
    Alabama Virtual Library
    Internet Access
    Research Assistance
    Purchasing and Processing of New Materials as Available
    ALEX accessibility for Collaborative Lessson Planning
    Story Time with Literary Lesson Incorporated
    Accelerated Reader
    Last year NSM students checked out over 140,000 library books.

    The NSM Library adheres to the policies and procedures JCBOE Handbook.